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If you're interested in attempting to repair your major appliance yourself to try to save a little money, a good place to start is purchasing a product repair manual. Do it yourself repair manuals are often produced by the appliance manufacturer and provide a step by step guide to many of the common repairs periodically required. With them you can read up on possible causes and tool requirements before hand to decide if the repair is a job you want to attempt on your own or whether a trained appliance service technician is in order. Service manuals on the other hand describe in detail how an appliance is designed to function. When used along with the 'tech sheet' provided with the machine, a trained technician can identify the cause of problems with its operation.
There are also third-party appliance repair manuals that can be just as useful. One such is the "Cheap and Easy!" series.
General topic Cheap and Easy! books cover many brands of each appliance type include:
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