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Helpful Tips

Be Observant. Before placing a service call, make note of when the problem occurs. Note if, for example, the washing machine is noisy on wash or spin or if the appliance has been relocated recently. Have the person most familiar with the problem place the service call.
(Added: 14-Jul-1999 Rating: 9.80 Votes: 6)

Helpful Tips:Installation

When installing laundry equipment into closets, make sure water shut-offs can be reached easily. Also ensure the water hoses are long enough to remove the appliance when necessary. A floor drain may also be necessary should the water pump or motor fail. Have a look at the FloodSaver web page for an excellent accessory for this.
(Added: 14-Jul-1999 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
Washing machines are designed to be used on solid flooring, like concrete. If installing on a wooden floor, extra joist bracing may be needed. The mounting of an additional plywood section can also strengthen an existing wooden floor. Severe internal suspension damage can occur if used on unstable flooring.
(Added: 14-Jul-1999 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1)

Helpful Tips:Washing Machine

Washing rubber backed mats can cause problems by putting added strain on a washer and possibly causing unbalanced loads. In addition, the rubber backing can break down and separate, infiltrating the wash system clogging hoses, pumps, filters and valves. At the first sign of wear of the backing, you should discontinue washing it.
(Added: 24-Mar-2000 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
Any water leak should be tended to immediately. Water can damage bearings, motors and even the transmission. First look for leaking hoses, if you cannot determine where the leak is, call a service technician.
(Added: 24-Jul-1999 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
Unusual noises should be tended to quickly. A squealing or grinding noise may lead to a water leak or more extensive damage.
(Added: 24-Jul-1999 Rating: 5.50 Votes: 2)
braBefore washing brassieres, check for worn edges. The under wires frequently separate from the garment and cause major damage to the washing machine and dryer components.
(Added: 24-Jul-1999 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
Heavy clothing such as jeans and towels should be spread out over two or more loads. These fabrics absorb lots of water and can put added strain on the machine.
(Added: 24-Jul-1999 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
The water taps for the washing machine should be shut off when the washing machine is not in use. Most rubber fill hoses are not meant to withstand constant water pressure and can burst. If in an awkward position and difficult to reach, purchase high pressure, braided metal fill lines.
(Added: 24-Jul-1999 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)

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